What is Doug's WILD Ride?


New Blog at Wordpress

We've moved this Blog over to Wordpress.  Please make a note of the new web address and visit our new site for great information about Doug's WILD Ride as well as his blog (all the old entries are there too).  This blogspot blog will be deleted in a week or so.


Prudhoe Bay?

So I was looking at an Alaska map, and could not help but notice the road to Prudhoe Bay starts in Fairbanks.  The distance between Fairbanks and Prudhoe Bay is 584 miles (941 from Anchorage).  I can do 941 miles, at least in the lower 48.  So what if the road is gravel?  And the mountain passes are 12% grades; and the map says"beware of grizzly bears in this area."  I mean what could possibly go wrong?

The problem with Prudhoe is there is precious little between FB and PB.  I mean just about nothing.  Well, there is the village of Coldfoot, pop. 13, just 260 miles north of Fairbanks.  Still, all I need is food and water.  I should be able to bring enough food to last me 260 miles. And then it's only 240 miles, or so, to Deadhorse, pop. 26. As far as finding water; there should be plenty along the way, right?

So here's my offer to my 11 Facebook Fans and 3 (1 of the 4 is a duplicate) Followers:  Find someone who will pledge $50,000 to Parkinson's, and I'll ride from Anchorage to Prudhoe.  Here are the rules:

1. The money must be in an escrow account by 6-1-10.  ( I need to start this by mid June; being above the Arctic circle in September is a no-no.)  The money will go to (50/50) Davis Phinney Foundation and the Parkinson's Disease Foundation.  The $50,000 is in addition to that raised by other sources.

2. Once I make it 100 miles past Fairbanks, and continue to make an attempt, the money is due, no matter what.  However, at 250 miles past Fairbanks, the money is absolutely due, even if I quit.  Note: This rule may need some tweeking.

3. If I am incapacitated (Ahem!) at any point on the trip the money is due.  Killed or a broken leg, it's all the same.  A mile out of Anchorage, or 10 miles from Prudhoe, it doesn't matter you owe the money.

4. I have to be notified of your intention to sponsor the FB to PB ride by May 15, 2010.  I need the time for planning.

5. The sponsor gets all book, advertising, and story rights.

That's it, five simple rules. 

Readers, please forward this to anyone you think might be in the position to help.  Let's make this happen!

P.S.  No, I haven't run this past my wife!


My Parkinson's diagnosis

Twenty five years ago, I went to my family physician.  "I can't smell.  For a while I was having olfactory hallucinations; smelling weird odors.  Now I smell nothing at all."

He looked at me and said: (honest to God) "I don't know what it is, but that's a bad sign.  You have a serious problem, but there is nothing that can be done."  And sent me home.

About nine years ago (maybe less) I went to a different family doctor.  "I don't know what it is, but I'm sure there's something wrong with me.  I don't feel as smart as I used to.  I stutter more often.  My balance is not as good as it used to be."

He looked me over and said: "You're fine!  You're too young to be going senile or have alzhiemers!  You're just imagining these things."  I walked out, wondering if I was going crazy.

About seven years ago, the week of Christmas, I was at a machine shop.  With my left hand, I picked up a forging, to examen it.  All of a sudden my left middle finger started to tremble violently.  I couldn't stop it.  I called a friend, a doctor, and told him I thought I had Parkinson's.  "It's nothing!  You worry too much!  You're just a little nervous about something; forget  about it."

Six years ago I went to a new family physician.  "I think I have PD.  My left hand will sometimes shake uncontrolably."  (You know where this is going by now, don't you?)

"No, you may have tremor, but it's not PD.  I wouldn't worry about it."

Five years ago, I was (Surprise!!) told I had PD.  "You have seven, maybe eight, good years.  Make the most out of them."

I'm trying.